Arrivederci Roma: The Marcus Aurelius

October 31, 2015

It’s our last day in Rome and I spent the morning drawing the statue of Marcus Aurelius in il Museo Capitoline.  This has to be one of the most impressive pieces of art around, for its magnificence, proportions, gilded in bronze and dating from around 180 CE.  It’s astounding and a privilege to sit before it.  It is in its new setting in a special room at the museum.


Marcus Aurrelius closeup
Marcus Aurrelius closeup


Marcus Aurrelius
Marcus Aurrelius

Just around the corner there is this Etruscan piece from 700-600 BCE

Reclining figure

This one is terrific but pales in comparison to the Sarcophagus of the Spouses in the Etruscan Museum here- called Villa Giulia.  Circa 520 BCE.  Terracotta.


Sarcophagus of the Spouses
Sarcophagus of the Spouses

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